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Predictive Astrology
Cód. 9781578631124 - Bernadette Brady

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Predictive Astrology:
The Eagle and the Lark

This text covers techniques and methods necessary for making accurate astrological predictions. As well as examining time maps and methods for calibration and filtering, the author reveals a new technique, removing their mystery and apparent random effects in the world of predictions.

"ONCE UPON A TIME there was a lark who was renowned for her beautiful song ..". are the opening words for this comprehensive textbook of predictive astrology. This ground-breaking book, with its many new techniques and concepts, brings predictive astrology into a world of its own. Time maps encompass the author's approach to fate and transits, and new methods are suggested for calibrating and filtering progressions, returns of all kinds, eclipses, and planetary arcs. As you blend all of these techniques, the author promises you can reveal the future and put various aspects of life into perspective.

A totally new technique -- the delineation of eclipses -- removes their mystery and apparent random effects in the world of prediction. The eclipse data section, along with Saros Cycles, midpoint trees, and zodiacal degree listings will interest any serious astrologer.

First published in 1992 as The Eagle and the Lark - A textbook of Predictive Astrology, the book was so well-received it was republished in 1999 with the title Predictive Astrology - The Eagle and the Lark. In 1999 Predictive Astrology won the Inaugural Spica Award from the UK for the best astrological book of 1999.

Autor(a): Bernadette Brady
Editora:Red Wheel/Weiser
Páginas: 384
Ano: 1999
ISBN-10: 1578631122
ISBN-13: 9781578631124

tags: previsão / progressão secundaria / eclipses / grandes conjunções / arco 


Dimensões da Embalagem:

15 x 2,5 x 22,5 cm

Peso do produto:

0,55 kg

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